Days ahead for US, new president new challenges and opportunities

oday will be marked as one of the most important day, specially in the history of the United States of America. Joe Biden and kamala Harris officially took charge as the 46th president and vice president of the United States of America. Joe Biden is the third catholic to be elected for this office, while Kamal Harris has broken another glass ceiling. She is the first black, first asian African to be elected as the vice President of United States. Kamala Harris daughter of an Indian mother and jamaican father has served as senator.                        Joe Biden has assumed the office of President of united states at the time when it is going through one of its most difficult times, coronovirus pandemic has already claimed the lives of many people, hampered the economy leading to massive unemployment. The latest racial violence and black lives matter protest have leading to riots in many parts of America have further led to division in American society. American relations with it's allies have deteriorated due to previous administration's policies and china is going to remain as another concern for America.  Along with challenges there are many opportunities he has as the president of united states, United States has successfully resolved many conflicts in middle East between Israel and other gulf countries in last four years under the administration of President Donald Trump. The historical Abhramic accord has paved the way for peace in middle East. Now it will be duty of joe Biden to make sure that peace in the middle East region prevail. Best these the US need to do away with it's regime changing wars, Trump deserve appreciation for not indulging United States in unnecessary regime changing wars joe Biden should continue this.                                      It will important to see new Biden administration stand on india-America relationship, specially their stand on Kashmir and CAA are going to play crucial role in shaping indo-us relationship. While Trump administration remained  silent on these issues government of India will expect so with new administration. It is also important to see how indian government handle this. Joe Biden's stand on some issues including H1-B visa, immigration and economic relations have been positive for india.                                                                    It is time for joe Biden to keep his promise and walk the talk. America is divided than ever before, economy is plungeing and unemployment is high. Now it is duty of Biden to heal America as he has said.


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