Afghanistan, a country in South Asia which once was part of one of the oldest civilization of the world "the indus valley civilization" has now become the home of one of the radical Islamist organization Taliban. Afghanistan has undergone through massive demographic transformation in last thousand years. The country which once was home of millions of Hindus,sikhs, Buddhists and other communities has now become the land of mass exodus and ethnic cleansing of minorities. With advent of islamic rulers in Indian subcontinent, it went through massive demographic changes. Islam flourished in the region and population of Hindus declined. Subsequently islam became most followed religion of the country.
The emergence of Taliban further worsened the situation and proved fatal for Afghan minorities. An era of genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass exodus started in Afghanistan. Temples, churches, gurudwara were destroyed, non muslims were either killed or forced to leave the country. Minorities in Afghanistan, which once had considerable population in the country are now completely wiped out. According to reports merely thousand Hindus are left in the country. Human Right commissions and world community needs to introspect, why despite all efforts human rights abuse in the name of religion is common across the world, specially in middle East countries.